An .EPS to .PDF converter (using LaTeX!)

I am about to go on a short holiday, so I was tidying the code lines I had scattered around before leaving… And I found this: a minimal EPS to PDF converter, which is barely a LaTeX template.

It is intended for transforming an .EPS graph to the .PDF format. You can copy & paste this whole code into a blank text file (but with .TEX extension) and run it with a TeX editor. To install and use LaTeX, here it is a previous post about it.

When you have compiled it, you can search in the same file’s directory for the newly created PDF graph!

% Author: Mareviv
% Under GNU General Public License
% Paste this document entirely into a file with .TEX extension (.tex). Open it with TeXworks
% Tips for starting with LaTeX:
\usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options
\usepackage{epstopdf} % Included EPS files automatically converted to PDF to include with pdflatex
This is an .EPS to .PDF converter, using a minimal {\LaTeX} document.
Place the .EPS file in the same folder as this converter.
Insert the .EPS figure name inside the curly brackets (in this case rnetwork2).
\caption{A network graph.}
Copy and paste the following code to convert more images at the same time:
\caption{Another network graph.}

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